Squeaky Bogg Quill Tie Swear Coffee Mug Controller Barrel

Monster Ranker

Some monsters cause a lot of damage, but others have lasting power. Who, then, comes out on top when you factor in both of these variables? Well, after a lot of calculations and figuring things out (ie: scriptin'), you can know who is best. Filter the table to be limited by monster or move types, etc.

About the Ranker
This list is an approximation of the worth assigned to each monster based on their given move set.
The number is calculated by assessing the potential damage value of each monster given its abilities.
Initially, a dummy opponent -- represented by an averaging of the stats for all final form monsters -- engages each monster in a one-on-one fight as either the defending or attacking monster.
The length of time it would take for the monster to fall is calculated as well as the damage inflicted by it per second. These are multiplied to determine the total potential amount of hit point damage produced with that monster and move set.
The Data Output
The text field contains lines of the given monster's battle results. It lists the monster and what move set is represented. If an asterisk (*) appears next to a charge move, then using that skill will result in less damage than only using the basic skill.
The second column block shows how the monster fares as an attacker, listing the total damage potential, the percent of the maximum possible it represents, the Combat Point to damage ratio, and the damage per second inflicted.
The third column block shows the monster's defensive potential, listing the total damage potential, the percent of the maximum possible, the Combat Points to damage output ratio, the total damage potential given some of the charge attacks are dodged, and the damage potential given all of the charge attacks are dodged.
About the Controls
There are multiple ways to sift through the numerous amounts of entries. In the first area, these can be sorted in order of the selected field, either highest-to-lowest or lowest-to-highest.
The second area holds a series of check boxes that allow for what kind of monsters are displayed: weaker single form, two-part evolution, a three stage monster, single stage larger ones, the legendaries, or a select few potential estimations for the next generation.
The third area contains combo boxes that will filter out monsters based on their inherent elements or that of their moves. The results are all-or-nothing, so they must meet all of the criteria.
The fourth area controls what opponent the entire slew will be compared against. Its individual move set can be chosen.

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Last Modified - November 17, 2018 | Established - October 9th, 2016