Squeaky Bogg Quill Tie Swear Coffee Mug Controller Barrel

Search String Getter

A simple query can be used to limit the displays in the monster box, and -- with the right text -- those nigh-infinite Pidgeys can be reduced to just a few to check for perfect IVs.

Save Time with Searching
Select a monster to look for, like the ever common Rattata™.
Pick the lowest acceptable IVs for each of the abilities or levels for which to scan.
Copy the string and paste it into the search bar (the magnifying glass) to reduce the dozens of monsters to just a few to Appraise further.
It is probably wise to save it for later in a Notepad memo or whatever one's phone has.
HP can be included in the search as well to minimize false positives... I think?

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Last Modified - June 15th, 2018 | Established - June 5th, 2018