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Encyclopedia Bimblesnaff: Over Burn
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Encyclopedia Bimblesnaff: Over Burn

A parasite who unleashes a creature's full energy.

Entry: Over Burn
Series: Shadow Aura
Origin: Shadow Aura
Generation: 5th
Created: 2007

This bladed worm attaches itself directly into a monster's spine. It reworks the creature's metabolism into a greatly accellerated state. This parasite turns the being into an explosive weapon at the cost of its life. In the first stage, Overcharge, the body is surged with electrical current to keep it at pace with the flurry of activity. At this time, it is a killing machine. The second stage, Burnout, shows the wear acquired by the lifeform. The high rates and pace increase the body temperature to the point of combustion. The creature remains alive, although barely, until the third stage, Overburn, where it finally explodes in a fiery mess of organs. The partnership is short lived and suicidal, but can typically lead to more destruction on the opposing side.


Over Burn was another attempt at creating a Parasite monster, a class that specifically worked with other monsters to boost their capabilities. Most of them worked on the opposing side more than with one's own teammates, and none lead to their eventual destruction. It seemed a fitting way to capture both power and sacrifice in one grand gamble.

Last Updated - June 28th, 2009 | Established - June 28th, 2009